A consumption-savings model and its applications
Somermeyer, W. H.
A consumption-savings model and its applications [by] W. H. Somermeyer and R. Bannink. - New York, American Elsevier, 1973. - xvi, 431 p. 22 cm. - Contributions to economic analysis, .
includes index
Bibliography: p. 410-416.
Saving and investment--Mathematical models.
Consumption (Economics)--Mathematical models.
A consumption-savings model and its applications [by] W. H. Somermeyer and R. Bannink. - New York, American Elsevier, 1973. - xvi, 431 p. 22 cm. - Contributions to economic analysis, .
includes index
Bibliography: p. 410-416.
Saving and investment--Mathematical models.
Consumption (Economics)--Mathematical models.