Football: Niyam va kaushalye / फुटबॉल : नियम व कौशल्ये
Tujare, V.P. / तुजारे, व्ही. पी.
Football: Niyam va kaushalye / फुटबॉल : नियम व कौशल्ये - Pune: Diamond Publications, 2015. - 78p.; 22 cm.
Includes index, glossary and references.
9788184836387 (pb)
Field play
Football rules
Football equipments
Football skills
Goal keeping
Goal keeper Ball control skills
M 796.334 TUJ/Foo
Football: Niyam va kaushalye / फुटबॉल : नियम व कौशल्ये - Pune: Diamond Publications, 2015. - 78p.; 22 cm.
Includes index, glossary and references.
9788184836387 (pb)
Field play
Football rules
Football equipments
Football skills
Goal keeping
Goal keeper Ball control skills
M 796.334 TUJ/Foo